At Silfield Oak Primary Academy, communicating with our parents and carers is such an essential and important part of what we do. It is vital that all of the up-to-date information about our activities, newsletters, calendars, events and school news is relayed in a timely manner to our parents and carers. It is something that really matters to us.
If you would like to speak to the class teacher, they will be available at end of the school or you can call to make an appointment to speak with them, they will be pleased to talk anything through with you.
Please see the communication tools we use at our school to enable the smooth and safe transference of information between school and home.
If you have any issues accessing these tools please contact the school office.

Silfield Oak Primary School uses Arbor to communicate to parents and carers. On Arbor you can view club information, view your child’s attendance, book parent/carer’s meetings, update your information and give permissions. We will share letters, updates and communication through Arbor.
As we are a cashless school, we also use Arbor for all payments. If you need any assistance with Arbor, the school office is happy to help.

Our school Facebook group is used to share community updates and links to the newsletter that has been emailed. Do not worry if you are not on Facebook, you will not miss any essential information.
Other ways that we communicate
- A display board outside the entrance of the School Office
- Celebration and Class assemblies
- Curriculum maps of the learning
- Informal communication at the beginning and end of the day
- Parent consultations meetings in the Autumn and Spring term
- Termly parent forum
- A written progress report that is given out in the Summer term
- The school uses Ofsted’s ParentView to gather feedback about the school. If you wish to express your views then please put these on the ParentView website.
- Friendly and helpful staff in the School Office who can help direct you to any information you may need.
We are always looking for ways to work in partnership with our families, if you have any suggestions on how we can further improve this, please speak to a member of staff.